Disciplinary Actions

Listed below are disciplinary actions completed and approved by the Board. Licensees that are now current and in good standing are marked as "GOOD" in the Standing column. For more information, please check the Licensee Search.

Name Level Lic# Date Action Standing
Ajaya, Jane LICSW 2225C 11/16/12 Reprimand for unprofessional conduct. (PDF) GOOD
Akins, Donna B. LBSW 0001B 3/28/17 License revoked for failure to submit requested documentation (PDF)  
Arredondo, Donna J. LBSW 2542B 09/01/00 Suspended 6 months and additional supervision. (PDF) GOOD
Ashley, Bridget Rena LMSW 1015G 04/04/00 Fined for practicing with expired license. (PDF) LAPSED
Baldwin, Joshua T. LMSW 2285G 10/23/08 Written reprimand for social work practice. (PDF) LAPSED
Baker, Sally Phillips LBSW 2518B 08/26/99 License revoked for non-compliance of reprimand. (PDF)
Barfield, Fay M. LICSW 1333C 12/16/11 Written reprimand for failing to transfer records. (PDF) GOOD
Beddingfield, Michael S. LICSW 0311C 11/17/06 License revoked for unprofessional conduct (PDF)
Bendolph, Pilar LMSW 4151G 08/06/18 Additional CE Required GOOD
Bess, Beverly Kay (Lic. Expired 7/2005) LICSW 0970C 08/06/02 Licensed suspended 1 year, fined for unprofessional conduct. (PDF) EXPIRED
Buckner, Tammy N. LBSW 1918B 10/11/00 Fined, repeat 6 months supervision and complete 10 hours of CE in ethics (PDF) GOOD
Burton, Connie G. LBSW 2199B 08/01/08 License suspended for 6 months and fine for unprofessional conduct and falsification of records. (PDF) GOOD
Cagle, Kaci 06/21/18 Cease and Desist - Not a licensed Social Worker
Carter, Shirley M. LBSW 1315B 12/12/03 License revoked for unprofessional conduct. (PDF)
Craig, Gloria (Lic. Exp 2005) LBSW 3408B 12/17/03 Reprimanded for unprofessional conduct. (PDF) LAPSED
Cruthirds, Joseph A. LMSW 0223G 7/19/91 License revoked for unprofessional conduct.
Cunning, Lisa Farish LBSW 2847B 05/10/99 Charged with abandonment of employment. LAPSED
Davis, Judith A. LMSW 0166G 1/24/95 License revoked for unprofessional and unethical conduct.
Dawson, Kristin J. LBSW 5200B 4/11/18 License revoked for unprofessional conduct.  (PDF)  
DeGostin, Erin M. LGSW 1899G 08/07/09 License revoked for unprofessional and unethical conduct. (PDF)
DeShazo, David C. LICSW 0603C 07/26/99 Reprimanded for unprofessional conduct.
DeShazo, David C. LICSW 0603C 01/26/01 License revoked for non-compliance of reprimand. (PDF)
DeWolfe, Stacie LMSW 3317G 08/06/18 Additional CE Required GOOD
Donaldson, Kathy (Lic. Exp. Mar 2014) LBSW 2729B 9/26/14 Repreimanded for falsifying records. (PDF) REVOKED
Empey, Jennifer C. LICSW 1973C 10/26/07 6 months suspension for unprofessional conduct. (PDF) LAPSED
Ewart, Brenda aka: Phillips LBSW 1952B 11/17/06 License suspended 6 months and fined for unprofessional conduct. Fine must be paid before suspension will be lifted. (PDF)
Freed, Joan LBSW 3838B 01/08/12 Reprimanded for unprofessional conduct. (PDF) GOOD
Foley, William Anderson LICSW 0173C 08/19/93 License revoked for unprofessional conduct.
Garrison, Lindsey B. LMSW 3819G 05/31/19 License suspended. (PDF) SUSPENDED
Glover, Sharon Ann N/A N/A 05/01/86 Practicing social work with a forged license.
Hakanson, Leslie F. LBSW 1676B 01/17/08 Licensee reprimanded for unprofessional conduct. (PDF) GOOD
Helms, Betty Marie LMSW 0290G 08/17/90 Licensed revoked for unprofessional conduct.
Hensley, Brittney App 06/17/16 Applicant suspended for five years. (PDF)
Higdon, Heather LMSW 3408G 3/28/17 License revoked for failure to submit requested documentation (PDF)  
Hill, Alisha Regina LMSW LBSW 04/07/00 Licensed suspended 2 years, required to report 15 hours of CE in documentation and 15 Hours of CE in ethics. (PDF) GOOD
Holsombeck, Cynthia Jo LBSW 0036B 01/08/93 License revoked for unprofessional and unethical conduct.
Horn, Kamala T. LBSW 1331B 05/19/06 License suspended for 2 years for falsification of records. (PDF) GOOD
Ivy, Melissa W. LBSW 4378B 03/28/2017 License revoked for failure to submit requested documentation (PDF)  
Jarvis, Kelli King LICSW 1762C 05/20/2011 License revoked for unethical practice. (PDF) (Hearing Officers Recommendation)
Horne, Charlotte M. LBSW 3188B 07/28/06 Reprimanded for unprofessional conduct. (PDF) GOOD
Jeremiah, Pauline L. (Jones) LBSW 3476B 09/08/06 Licensee was denied renewal based on unethical charges by UA. Reinstated 06/15/09. GOOD
Jones, Amanda LMSW 1657G 10/28/11 Reprimanded for unprofessional conduct. (PDF) GOOD
Jones, Hilan J. LMSW 2297G 05/18/09 Reprimanded for unprofessional conduct. (PDF) GOOD
Jones, Sharon J. LICSW 2191C 02/22/10 License revoked for unprofessional conduct. (PDF) (Hearing Officer Recommendation)
Jones, VaShuna  LBSW 4454B 11/10/15 Reprimanded for unprofessional conduct. PDF  GOOD
Kilbourne, Jodie R.  LMSW 4251G 10/02/19 License Expired  EXPIRED
Lavender, Gerald LBSW 3844B 01/17/14 License revoked for unethical practice. (PDF) (Hearing Officer Recommendation)
Letford, Bonnie LBSW 3607B 10/25/04 License suspended for unprofessional conduct reinstated 3/25/05 (PDF) GOOD
McCravy, Anita D. LICSW 1146C 04/25/03 Licensed suspended for 2 years for unprofessional conduct (PDF) (Hearing Officer Recommendation) LAPSED
McLean, Margaret Lynn LBSW 0964B 03/20/15 Licensed suspended for 6 months for unprofessional conduct (PDF) GOOD
McMaken, Kathryn L. LICSW 1383C 09/11/15 Licensee reprimanded for unprofessional conduct (PDF) GOOD
Montgomery, Keiania L. LBSW 4095B 03/24/06 Unprofessional conduct and falsification of records (PDF) GOOD
Moore, Rita A. LBSW 3514B 1/17/08 License revoked for violation of confidentiality (PDF)
Mosely, Dorothy Leona LICSW 0523C 02/5/92 License revoked for unprofessional and unethical conduct
Newsome, Wydeesha N. LBSW 4840B 08/12/14 License reprimanded for practicing without active license (PDF) GOOD
Norris, Michael R. LMSW 0986G 01/15/99 License revoked for fraud and unprofessional conduct
Pacher, Catherine Jean LICSW 1150C 01/26/01 Licensed suspended for 3 years for unprofessional conduct (PDF) LAPSED
Parris, Rebecca LBSW 0740B 07/16/10 Licensed suspended for 6 months (PDF) Pd fine license reactivated 1/26/11 GOOD
Pate, Carl LMSW 3582G 6/11/20 License surrendered (PDF) SURRENDERED
Pate, Jason LBSW 2791B 10/9/19 Additional CE Required. (PDF) GOOD
Phillips, Brenda Ewart LBSW 1952B 11/17/06 Fined for unprofessional conduct. Fine must be paid before suspension will be lifted. (PDF) SUSPENDED
Phillps, Constance LBSW 3126B 03/20/09 Reprimanded for unprofessional conduct (PDF) GOOD
Phillips, Robin Michelle LICSW 2129C 4/11/18 License revoked for unprofessional conduct. (PDF)  
Pittman, Aubrey G. LMSW 1407G 01/28/05 Reprimanded for unprofessional conduct (PDF)
Powe, Melody Elaine LBSW 2595B 08/26/99 Licensed revoked for non-compliance of reprimand
Powell, Christina LMSW 2894G 01/27/2020 License Surrendered SURRENDERED
Robert, Darlene S. LBSW 2872B 12/16/05 Reprimanded for unprofessional conduct, required to repeat 2 years of supervision (PDF) GOOD
Shaddix, Cathy Fran LBSW 0162B 07/19/91 Licensed suspended indefinitely for non-compliance
Shead, Ebony LMSW 3652G 01/27/2020 Additional CE Required
Spears, Deloris L. LBSW 3876B 03/25/05 Licensed revoked for unprofessional conduct (PDF)
Spivey, Penny P. (Lic. Exp. Aug '09) LBSW 3160B 07/28/05 Fined and reprimanded for unprofessional conduct (PDF)
Strachan, Wendy Wilson LBSW 2761B 10/20/06 License revoked for failure to cooperate with investigation (PDF)
Summerville, Brenda G.  LBSW 0842B 3/28/17 License revoked for failure to submit requested documentation (PDF)  
Taylor, Charlotte Phillips LBSW 2400B 04/08/16 License revoked for unprofessional conduct (PDF)  
Thomas, Emma Jean LBSW 0857B 08/19/93 License revoked for unprofessional conduct
Thrasher, Timothy A. LMSW 2440G 11/16/12 Reprimanded for unprofessional conduct (PDF) GOOD
Tindle, Brittany M. LMSW 3211G 09/26/14 Reprimand for improper chart documentation (PDF)
Tindle, Brittany M. LMSW 3211G 04/08/16  License revoked for unprofessional conduct (PDF)  
Vickers, Caroline LBSW 0007B 07/26/13 Reprimand for unprofessional conduct (PDF)
Wallace, Susan E. LBSW 4257B 07/12/12 License revoked unprofessional conduct (PDF)
Weitzel, Ashley D. LMSW 2863G 09/21/12 Fined and reprimanded for unprofessional conduct. (PDF) GOOD
West, Sibyl H. N/A N/A 05/01/85 Practicing social work with a forged license
Williams, Bari J. LMSW 3381G 03/20/15 License revoked unprofessional conduct. (PDF)
Williams, Sandra M. (Lic. Exp. Nov '08) LMSW 1670G 09/30/05 License suspended up to 6 months for unprofessional conduct. (PDF)
Woods, Tammy B. AKA - Buckner, Tammy LBSW 1918B 10/11/00 Fined, repeat 6 months supervision and complete 10 hours of CE in ethics (PDF) GOOD
Woods, Susan LICSW 1309C 10/28/11 Reprimanded for unprofessional conduct (PDF) GOOD
Wright, Chadmon LBSW 3952B 07/25/14 License revoked for unprofessional conduct and conviction of a felony ( PDF)